Our Top Travel Picks For 2019

December 27, 2018
The coming of the New Year brings with it new and exciting opportunities to leave your familiar surroundings behind and travel the globe! Whether you are looking for a relaxing escape in nature, a journey through history, or a truly off-the-beaten-path experience, we’ve got you covered. Here are our top travels picks for your 2019 bucket list!

Where: Mystras, Peloponnese - Greece

Situated on Mount Taygetos, near ancient Sparta, Mystras is a fortified Byzantine castle-town in Greece’s most southern region of the Peloponnese. Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Monument, it is an excellently preserved example of a medieval walled town in Greece. Historically important during the Fourth Crusade in 1204, Mystras later evolved into an important center for the Byzantine Empire, second to Constantinople. Byzantine art and literature flourished here from the 13th to 15th centuries and some of the frescoes in Mystras represent the peak that Byzantine religious painting reached. Inhabited throughout the Ottoman conquests beginning in the mid-15th century, today Mystras is a ghost city that fascinates visitors with its castle, palatial complex, churches, private homes and mansions.
Why Travel In 2019: This is our number one recommendation for an all-encompassing wellness experience. The hotel’s facilities and programs fit perfectly within the pristine natural environment of Mystras.

True Trips Recommended Hotel: Euphoria Retreat
Nestled in the heart of the Peloponnese at the foothills of mystical Mount Taygetus, the Euphoria Retreat is the perfect place to relax, and redefine the relationship between your mind and body. Your experience at this hotel will be completely infused with innovative and rejuvenating holistic treatments, as well as nutritionally balanced meals.
Where: Normandy - France
It was 6:30 am on June 6th 1944, when the first troops landed on the beaches of Normandy instigating the largest seaborne invasion in history as well as marking the beginning of the liberation of Europe. Across the beaches of Normandy, on the waters of the English Channel, over the skies of France, and throughout the occupied French inland, countless young men from over twelve countries lay down their lives for the ideals and beliefs of freedom and liberty. 2019 will mark 75 years from that momentous day, and will be commemorated with highest respects to honor the thousands of young men that forever wrote their names in the annals of history. Join us in Normandy and participate in the celebrations with military parades, memorial services, airdrops, picnics, concerts and military re-enactments.
Why Travel In 2019: It is the 75th anniversary of D-Day and an excellent opportunity to live and learn about this era of international heritage.

TrueTrips Recommended Hotel: Hotel Villa Lara
Located in the historic city of Bayeux opposite the Cathedral and less than 25 miles from the Normandy beaches, the Hotel Villa Lara is a chic boutique hotel offering guests an authentic, luxurious and refined upscale experience.

Where: Dalmatian Coast - Croatia
Dalmatia is a land of rich history and remarkable natural beauty! Its incredibly varied terrain is made up of snowy mountain peaks, fertile verdant valleys and even a constellation of hundreds of islands that dot the sapphire waters of the Adriatic Sea! The dramatic Dalmatian coastline, lined with impressive limestone cliffs, is home to Split and Dubrovnik, two of Croatia’s most emblematic cities whose unique architecture and culture testify to the nation’s prolific but turbulent past. Whether you are looking for a cultural fix in a historic metropolitan city or some time away from the noise surrounded by pristine landscapes, the Dalmatian coast has it all!

Why Travel In 2019: We’re very excited about the Dalmation coast in Croatia as it is a offers an authentic off-the-beaten-path experience.

TrueTrips Recommended Hotel: Villa Dubrovnik Hotel
Perched on the rocky cliffs of the Dalmatian Coast, Villa Dubrovnik is a stylish retreat that features luxurious privacy and first-class hospitality. The hotel’s pristine white architecture contrasts starkly with the rocky landscape and emerald green waters of the Adriatic while its allure is further cemented by its stylish modern décor and an extraordinary gastronomic experience.

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